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  • Writer's pictureCait Donovan

Corina Rosca: Turn Off The Burnout Alarm By Curating Your Tribe

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

“I have chosen to fall apart for the purpose of my own healing and also to show others that it’s okay to do so.” Corina Rosca


Corina Rosca is a self-professed international mutt, born in Romania, raised in Canada, now living in South Africa. Worked on international feature films for over 12 years to then become the Host Ambassador & Experiences Curator for Airbnb in Cape Town. Currently working for myself by running two companies: Stay At Mine (property hosting and consulting) and Coza Collected (manufacture and distribution of South African sleep/rest products)

STORY: Working on feature films such as The Day After Tomorrow, Blood Diamond, Safehouse, etc meant 100 hour weeks in various cities all over the world. The first 6 years did not include any holiday or rest in between films. By the 12th year, she felt so wiped out that she wasn't sleeping or accomplishing anything. She would sloth through time where months would pass her by. FIND:

Quote from Corina's Blog Post:

This level of commitment to the self is what I wish for all those who are suffering.

May you find compassion for your pain by keeping your feet to the fire.

May this fire burn away everything that no longer serves you.

May you know that illness of any kind does not define you.

May the darkness be a reminder of the cosmic benevolence your soul is made of.

May you stand alone, naked, empty, broke, unwell and yet more powerful and more loved than you could have ever imagined possible.

May you also come to notice that your darkness is the very superpower you have been praying for.

My notes post talk: This conversation might be triggering. Corina didn’t hold back, and was really open and honest about still being in the thick of the journey through burnout even though she’s already dropped the overworking piece of her puzzle. Now, she is working to not only clear inner traumas (both her own and generational traumas) but also to create a community of people that support her. She understands that burnout is both an internal and an external thing and she hasn’t quite figured out how to live the life she needs to live in society as it exists today. The pace of the current world is a piece of the burnout puzzle, which is why this podcast exists. There needs to be a collective movement to shift this tendency on our planet. Culture changes by people. It’s time for us to say NO to burnout culture and start building sustainable lives and a sustainable planet. Raised by two deaf parents and immigrating from communist Romania to Canada in the 80’s, Corina has had her share of trauma and shares with us stories of sneaking out of Romania, a return visit a few years later, and now the process of getting information about her and her family from the secret police files that have started to be released. This is an amazing story of survival.

Be relentless in your choices when it comes to your closest people - it might just be the thing that heals you. Listen: XOXO C


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