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  • Writer's pictureCait Donovan

Khadijah Tishan Washington: On Spirituality, Racial Trauma, and Commiting To Your Own Healing

Updated: Oct 1, 2022

In today’s episode, we’re talking to Khadijah Tishan Washington MSW, LCSW , a licensed therapist who credits her own creative and chaotic childhood with inspiring her passion for social work. Khadijah began her journey of service and self- healing in child and family mental health. Her latest book, ‘REAL’ is a memoir of healing and deeper awareness that directs you to serve the most vulnerable- the people serving the neglected, abused, and marginalized. Khadijah describes this journey of serving and self-healing as ‘REAL’.

During our conversation, she shares snippets from her own life, her childhood and her lived experience with racism in America, what makes her so passionate and how all of that has informed her work and her newest book, ‘REAL’!

I truly enjoyed speaking with Khadijah and having this extremely important conversation continue. I’d love to know: What is one thing that stuck out for you from this conversation? What’s your biggest takeaway?

Both Khadijah and I would love to know, so please share and tag us on social media so we can support and cheer for you!

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Connect with Khadijah



P.S. Do something to care for yourself this week and book a FREE call with me! Initial calls last 35 minutes and are a great way to kickstart your burnout recovery. Book your call at


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